Call GLite::HTTPS::setEnv(); to use authenticated HTTPS.


The main function of this package is setEnv(), which sets the environmental variables for the Crypt::SSLeay package, so it will able to authenticate to a remote service, e.g. through HTTPS.

If the effective userid is 0 (root), then the host key and certificate is configured.

If the effective userid is not 0 (non-root), then the proxy certificate is configured: it is split up to three files and set as certificate, key and <CA>. If the proxy is not found, or there was a problem splitting the file, then the user's real certificate is configured. In the later case the SSL library will ask for a decryption password on the command line.

The split proxy will be cleaned up, when the program finishes. The cleanup routine can also be called directly by cleanSplitProxy().

This module also tries to configure the the IO::Socket::SSL manpage module properly, if it is used. If this module is not loaded, then it fails without any problem.


The behaviour can be altered through environmental variables:

The location of the proxy certificate (and key). The default location is /tmp/x509up_p#uid#

The location of the user certificate. Only used, if proxy is not found.

The default location for users: $HOME/.globus/usercert.pem

The default location for host/service: /etc/grid-security/hostcert.pem

The location of the user key. Only used, if proxy is not found.

The default location for users: $HOME/.globus/userkey.pem

The default location for host/service: /etc/grid-security/hostkey.pem

The location of the certificate directory. The default location is /etc/grid-security/certificates


Akos Frohner <>, Karoly Lorentey <>

Copyright (c) 2003-2004 CERN, ELTE on behalf of the EU DataGrid and EGEE projects. For license conditions see LICENSE file or