
glite-eds-put — Puts a file using gLite I/O, encrypting it in the process. The encryption keys are stored in the hydra catalog.


glite-eds-put [ -h ] [ -q ] [ -v ] [ -u ] [ -c CIPHER ] [ -k KEYLENGTH ] [ -i ID ] [ -s SERVICE ] LOCAL_FILE REMOTE_FILE


glite-eds-put is a command-line tool for transferring a local file to a remote gLite I/O server. The file will be stored encrypted on the remote side. The encryption keys are generated on the client, and stored in the hydra service. If the file is retrieved normally through a simple glite-get, the file will be in encrypted form and thus not usable without the keys.



Show help screen.


Quiet operation.


Verbose operation.


Don't actually encrypt the data, just do the key generation and registration this is useful for some special setups where the SE crypts by itself.


Cipher name to use. See 'openssl list-cipher-commands' for the available options.

The current default is 'blowfish'.


Keylength to use in bits. See 'openssl list-cipher-commands' for the available options.

The current default is 128 bits.

-i ID

ID to be used to store the encryption data with. Defaults to the file's GUID.


If SERVICE starts with gliteio://, then it it used as the gLite I/O service URL. Otherwise SERVICE is taken as a service name, and serives discovery is used to determine the service endpoint.


The name of the file on the local filesystem to put.


The name of the remote file. (Logical file name).



Specifies the type of the service to use during service discovery. The default value is org.glite.GliteIO.