
glite-data-transfer-fts-info-provider — Provides service information for BDII or file based information systems.


glite-data-transfer-fts-info-provider [ --bdii | --file ] [ --site site_name ] [ --vo vo_name... ] [ --myproxy service_name ] [ --channels ] [ --verbose ]


glite-data-transfer-fts-info-provider is a command can provide service information for BDII or File based information system:

$GLITE_LOCATION/sbin/glite-data-transfer-fts-info-provider --file >services.xml
$GLITE_LOCATION/sbin/glite-data-transfer-fts-info-provider --bdii

(the default is the BDII format)

The genertate services.xml file needs to be merged manually into the system wide $GLITE_LOCATION/etc/services.xml file, to make it available for every user.


--bdii | -b

BDII output, the program generates LDIF format output using the GLUE 1.2 scheme, which can be fed into a BDII server.

--file | -f

File output, the program generates XML format output, which can be merged into the $GLITE_LOCATION/etc/services.xml configuration file.

--site | -s site_name

can be used to specify the service's site. By default it is the domain name part of the hostname, where the service is running. One can specify an empty string here to force this service to be site independent.

--vo | -v vo_name

can be used to specify zero or more virtual organization affiliations. There is no default value.

--myproxy | -m service_name

cab be used to specify an associated MyProxy service name, which would be used by the transfer agents, if the user did not specify one in the job.

One can get the default MyProxy service name using the following commands:

glite-sd-query -t myproxy | awk '/^Name:/ { print $2 }'


Publish channels, will publish additional information on each configured channel, thus that could also be used for service discovery (see --source and --destination options for the glite-transfer-* commands).

By default this option is not enabled, because the current implementation needs to run the privileged 'glite-transfer-channel-list' command on the service.


Verbose mode, when additional informaiton on the process is printed to the stderr, not to interfere with the produced information.

LCG BDII Integration

To integrate the BDII information provider into the LCG BDII system, you should add a line to the '/opt/lcg/libexec/lcg-info-wrapper' script:

/opt/glite/sbin/glite-data-transfer-fts-info-provider --bdii --site CERN

The generic information provider will call the info provider script and publish the resulting service information into the BDII.

