*** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_3_1_0 2005-08-12 * FTS and FPS interfaces merged (FPS went away) - submit method was deprecated - transferSubmit does physical job submission (as was provided by FTS submit) - placementSubmit does logical job submission (as was provided by FPS submit) * Remove FileTransferQuietCommon (had common methods for FTS/FPS interfaces) * Added FileTransferStats interfaces providing methods for querying statistics on the service *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_3_0_0 2005-07-25 * Added Channel and VO Management methods * Added vo shares into the Channel object * Added getRoles method - returns the roles the client has on the service * Added the VOName on the JobStatus object * Renamed domainA and domainB to sourceSite and destSite on Channel object * Renamed numFailures to numRetries on FileTransferStatus object * Added numCanceling, numHold, numWaiting and numCatalogFailed to TransferJobSummary object * Renamed numCancelled to numCanceled on TransferJobSummary object * Added priority on JobStatus object * Cancel operation is now bulk * Renamed submit to placementSubmit in FilePlacement interface * Updated documentation - reflecting new authorization *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_2_9_0 2005-04-14 * Removed delete, chmod, etc port-types - these are in a new interface now * Added manual intervention metyhods to channel * Updated beans to match schema * Altered FilePlacement to be point-to-point * Quiet (client invisible) refactoring of interfaces to take allow definition of commonly inherited FTS and FPS methods. WSDL didn't chanmge and is still independent - inheritence is not exposed. *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_2_6_1_3 2005-03-07 * fixes. Channel management added. * Changes to query interface to add new features. *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_2_0_0_3 2005-01-26 * build change *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_2_0_0_2 2005-01-21 * using generated RPM spec file *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_2_0_0 2004-12-08 UPDATE to interface as a result of discussions: - more detailed documentation on job and file states - removed FileTransfer interface - removed explicit DataScheduler interface - added TransferFetcher interface - included 'delete' functionality in new Delete interface - updated interface documentation - cleaned up exception descriptions *** Release glite-data-transfer-interface_R_1_0_0 2004-10-27 * Initial release.